A recent blog entry here at Turner Business recognized the outstanding teaching of four Turner College faculty members. Management professors Phil Bryant, John Finley and Rodrigo Obando, along with economics professor Frank Mixon, will be recognized at halftime of CSU's soccer match Wednesday night by members of the CSU soccer team who recognized them as having impacted the players in a positive way during their journey at CSU. Since that blog Obando has expressed, via his LinkedIn page, gratitude for the recognition that he is set to receive this Wednesday night.
"About three years ago I was in the right place at the right time and began my journey as an Adjunct Instructor for the Turner College of Business & Technology teaching Microsoft Excel (BUSA 2100). In those years I had the opportunity to help students and teach students how Excel applies to real life scenarios. This semester I have the opportunity to be recognized for the work I have done and the impact it has made. This upcoming Wednesday night (October 23) I will be a part of the half time portion of the CSU Women's Soccer game (along with other faculty). It is an honor to represent the Turner College of Business & Technology."
Turner Business congratulates Obando, who holds both a B.S. and M.S. in computer science from the TSYS School, on this important distinction and wishes him the best in his Turner College career.
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