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Mixon Named IAES Member of the Month for June 2024

Turner College economist Frank Mixon has been named Member of the Month for June 2024 by the International Atlantic Economic Society. The International Atlantic Economic Society was organized in 1973 by economists and financial experts from academe, government, and the private sector. Now headquartered at Emory University, the Society’s purpose is to provide an educational and scientific forum for the global community of economists and others in related disciplines by offering a variety of venues for communication. Early on the International Atlantic Economic Society identified a need for increased communication among economists across continents. Well-known economists from around the world have participated in the Society's global exchange, including Nobel laureates and leading government officials. In fact, several IAES Presidents have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. Through its publications and conferences, the Society promotes the dissemination of economic and financial research within the international community. In recognizing Mixon, the IAES conducted a brief interview, the transcript of which is inserted below.

If you recall, what influenced your decision to become a member of the International Atlantic Economic Society?

I have followed the International Atlantic Economic Society’s oldest journal, the Atlantic Economic Journal, since graduate school. In fact, I published a paper in the Atlantic Economic Journal shortly after graduating and taking my first academic post. Interestingly, before the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, I was contacted by a video editor at Vox who was putting together a YouTube video about the Electoral College that discusses ideas from my 2017 Atlantic Economic Journal paper with Richard Cebula and Christopher Duquette on swing states and the winner-take-all Electoral College. That video has since been viewed 7.1 million times. My first paper in the Society’s younger journal, International Advances in Economic Research, came out in 2012. It was coauthored with Cebula and discussed the relationship between economic freedom and economic growth. That paper has since been cited 36 times. So, I have had success with the Society’s journals in the past.

What types of projects/research are you currently working on and what inspired/motivated you to pursue these interests?

I am currently working on a book on beauty in the workplace that focuses mainly on higher education. Some of the topics discussed include the relationships between instructor attractiveness and a number of variables, such as classroom performance and occupational choice. This is an area that I have been working in for more than 10 years. I am also continuing work I started a few years ago on the economics of surfing commons.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering entering your line of work/field of study?

In addition to studying hard, I would suggest that young scholars work closely with a mentor or two in order to gain a better understanding of how to navigate the profession. That includes all of the small details in conducting economic research, including the administration of individual research projects.

Going forward, what other projects/research are you planning or hoping to pursue?

I have always been involved with public choice research to one degree or another. I plan to get back into that research program a little bit more compared to the past few years. I also hope to continue my work in scientometrics, which began only seven or eight years ago.


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