The Turner College of Business’ new TSYS Center for Cybersecurity held its “grand opening” in Columbus State University’s Center for Commerce & Technology on October 30, 2017. In welcoming the many guests in attendance, Turner College Dean Linda Hadley thanked TSYS for donating $2.5 million to CSU in order to support the new Center. Hadley also thanked individual members of the Turner College’s Business Advisory Council. Hadley remarked that the Center’s goals are twofold: to prepare a strong cybersecurity workforce, particularly in the area of financial security, and to support applied research by the TSYS faculty that will influence cybersecurity practice well into the future.
Following Hadley at the podium was Patricia Wilson, TSYS Executive Vice President & Chief Information Officer, who spoke about the 30-year partnership in education between TSYS and Columbus State University, which includes the previous naming of the TSYS School of Computer Science. CSU President Christopher Markwood echoed Wilson’s remarks in pointing out that more than 1,000 CSU alumni have been a part of TSYS workforce over the years. The formal ceremony was concluded by Wayne Summers, the chair of the TSYS School. Summers thanked associates from CSU’s University Information & Technology Services for providing technical assistance in setting up the new Center. Summers also used the occasion to inform private sector supporters of the Turner College that TSYS faculty had, over the previous few months, been awarded about $750,000 in grants from agencies such as the National Science Foundation and the National Security Agency.
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